Tag Archives: the-trashiness

Rihanna Nude on her Merch of the Day

Rihanna’s merch for her upcoming show is her naked. This means that Rihanna fans will be walking around with Rihanna tits on their chests… Which brings the important question of who actually listens to Rihanna or buys her bullshit merch.. I am sure there are a lot of 35 year old women who were into her first album and who go to her concerts for fun in their miserable lives….you know the girls were were 15 when Rihanna first hit…. But I’d think the people buying merch are actually 13 or 14 year old kids using their parent’s money, because no one would buy this shit with their own money…. So elementary and middle schools everywhere will be littered with Rihanna tits..and that’s a pretty good troll…or I guess “marketing”….if marketing involved 13 or 14 year old girls recreating this shit with their iphones – to get dudes like you arrested…for liking it – when you shouldn’t – they are 14 you freak… I am not against nudity on shirts, in life, so I think it’s godo to see Rihanna bring it….but it’d be better if she had better tits… The post Rihanna Nude on her Merch of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rihanna Nude on her Merch of the Day

Charlotte McKinney Panty Flash of the Day

Charlotte McKinney is on the aggressive hustle…I am not sure if it’s so much a sugar daddy hustle, I’m pretty sure she’s a rich kid from FLorida which is a wonderful place to be a rich kid, since they still retain the trashiness of Florida, just with white trash new money attitude… I would assume she’s trying to find famous people to “date” or have her picture taken with after they fuck her – to get some press…. She used her big tits to get out there…but she pulled the trigger too soon on TV…making her the forgettable tits, rather than getting herself more titty famous before doing TV so perverts had more of an emotional connection to her tits…and now she’s here forced to flash panties to the paparzzi she called – because she needs the press… It’s almost a sad story, but not really, it’d be way more sad if she settled with a rich guy and her demise wasn’t documented, her tits being pulled out not documented, we like her tits, and like to see them come out more and more as she struggles to figure out how to maintain that fame…instagram followers is not enough dammit. To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE The post Charlotte McKinney Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlotte McKinney Panty Flash of the Day