Tag Archives: their-pussies

Lea Michele Cupping of the Day

In Lea Michele news, or what I call, “What is Lea Michele’s Penis Up To”…not because I care about Lea Michele’s penis, but because I am convinced she was born with one, even if she may not have been born with them, it just feels nice to say after all the face fillers and attempt to feminize her hard face…without much success… Well, she’s doing some spa treatment, cupping treatment, and showing all her fans her back, in what reminds me of those pornos where they set vaccuums up on their pussies to make it look all big and swollen and cartoon like…only without the vagina… The post Lea Michele Cupping of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lea Michele Cupping of the Day

Miley Cyrus Wrestling her Sister Porn of the DAy

Miley Cyrus and her sister wrestling isn’t really erotic, but anyone who has ever fucked a girl with a sister will know that wanting to fuck the sister is a serious thing…it’s like “why did I end up with this one”…or if you’re lucky you’re like “I wonder if their pussies are the same and is it cheating if they are, not that I care about cheating, but it’s nice to know what you’ve got yourself into”….sister fetish….totally normal..but I don’t think her sister is 18 year and I don’t think this is hot because they aren’t lathered up in motor oil, or pig fat from their farm….but it is a reminder that Miley still exists and when she’s not putting on a bullshit show, or touring she’s fucking dull.. Miley was in a bikini over the weekend…but it was boring….but here it is anyway.. The post Miley Cyrus Wrestling her Sister Porn of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus Wrestling her Sister Porn of the DAy

Lara Stone for LOVE Magazine of the Day

Lara Stone is looking good for an old sloppy model – in this shoot for Love Magazine. Maybe I am just into slutty pictures…of sluts… Lara Stone is actually a pretty top earning busty model who poses topless for fashion on the regular….has huge tits and I think she’s lovely to look at… BUt that may be because her team tried to sue me for posting pics of her and her fat husband, comedian David Williams, on their honeymoon…and I fucking love girls who hate me… You know a NO WAY, NEVER, Fuck Yourself…from a girl makes me want to fuck her more…it’s less rapey than it sounds… Well, she’s divorced now, because I guess tits only remain appealing for so long, eventually the shitty personality starts to get training – especially when you have other pussy options…or maybe she’s the one who cheated to advance her career and feel hot…models, you know they like their pussies filled withe that constant male attention affirming they got it going on as they know they are aging and no one actually cares about them… But we care about them tits…so here she is in another slutty shoot…because she’s still got them in her…but the real question is what else she’s got in….or has had in her to get to this point….something to think about. The post Lara Stone for LOVE Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lara Stone for LOVE Magazine of the Day

Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace Attention Seeking Pussy Flash of the Day

Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace is a nobody… She’s been FLASHING HER ASS AND TITS to the world since 2007 and no one fucking cares…but I am a fan of pussy, and the girls who have no problem showing their pussies, whether in private, or public, so long as I see it, or pictures of it, because I am a fan of pussy… So today, even if she’s already flashed her pussy, Aisleyne is officially a someone…sure this should be her on a porn set, or even her 7 years ago, but at least she’s persistent in her attempts, most people would have just thrown in the towel and put some pants on, but this bitch, she’s decided to take her pants off and get to work…and there’s something beautiful about that…and that something is LABIA!!!

Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace Attention Seeking Pussy Flash of the Day

Titty in Hats Titty Puppet Show Video of the Day

As far as I’m concerneed, this is pretty fucking genius….using titties as puppets in a puppet show by dressing them in hats is almost as good as when I make girls I fuck make their pussies talk by spreading their lips…it makes for better conversation than looking at their face….

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Titty in Hats Titty Puppet Show Video of the Day

Top Vagina Puppetry Fetish Video of the Day

Vagina puppetry is an ongoing joke that’s been happening since I was a teenager and I first fucked a bitch, used to have conversations with her pussy, where she’d make the pussy lips act like a mouth, and we had a great old time, that lead to me always trying to bring the vagina puppetry, from asking girls to send me vidos of their pussies talking to, making vagina puppets, if you search it on the site, I’ve porobably mentioned it a lot….So you can imagine how happy I was when this video was sent in….it touched everything I always wanted….. There is only one top vagina puppetry video from youtube, because after seeing this one, I realized there is no competition…. It was on YOUTUBE yesterday but got pulled after 400,000 views and a week of being on YOUTUBE…..

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Top Vagina Puppetry Fetish Video of the Day

Brittany Snow in Lingerie of the Day

I am only posting these pictures to further prove my point that Maxim is no longer on the ship, they have fallen overboard and are fucking drowning and for some reason, I take great pleasure in their irrlevance, maybe cuz they were cocky big shots back when the internet first started, maybe cuz they run after me with lawyers letters every time I post their boring pictures of non-celebrities cuz that’s all they can get, maybe it’s cuz they are assholes, maybe cuz I just like seeing people fail.. I mean Brittany Snow? Is Maxim now Dancing with the Stars of bottom feeders….you know a place where people who were once on TV go to get their picture taken in their underwear… All I know is that it’s amazing…and the pictures of the no name bitch trying to be remembered aren’t even hot…did they lose their photographer and have to hire the Sears family portrait guy? I mean fuck…These are a joke…and I feel bad for Brittany Snow who clearly has potential, but instead of team make her do this garbage… When they email me to take these pics that probably cost them 10 dollars to coordinate, suing me for 250,000 dollars, I’ll be sure to post the lawywers letter. Idiots should be thanking me for the exposure.

Excerpt from:
Brittany Snow in Lingerie of the Day

Elizabeth Bell and Amanda Harris Naked in Some Movie of the Day

I don’t know who any of these people are…I don’t know what this Devil from Within movie is, I just know they are showing their tits, which I guess is all I need in a movie to make it worth watching, I mean the horrible acting, the obvious stupid storyline can all be ignored, so long as their are tits….especailly when those tits are being drowned, not cuz I’m a necro or like seeing dead tits, but because I know how desperate this girl was to get an acting job to agree to put herself through this low grade smut…and that’s the kind of desperation to be famous I like…no standards or self-respect is the best kind of actor for me…it’s like she was one bounced rent check away from doing actual porn before getting this as her big break… Genius…. Amanda Harris Tits…. Elizabeth Bell Tits…..


Continued here:
Elizabeth Bell and Amanda Harris Naked in Some Movie of the Day

Amanda Seyfried Walking the Dog in Shorts of the Day

I am the unofficial Amanda Seyfried fan club. I blame Stripping Chloe . That bitch…. Cuz no matter how boring she gets, I’m like Brokeback Mountain with the HIV, and just can’t quit her. It’s pretty humiliating to admit how weak I am. Good thing I have no shame…

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Amanda Seyfried Walking the Dog in Shorts of the Day

Liz Hurley Old Lady Street Walker of the Day

Liz Hurley is some hot old lady tits who owns a bikini line, but who won’t get in a bikini, and show her bikini line, I assume she waxes in hopes of feeling youthful like a 7 year old in her bedroom for her billionaire husband…probably cuz she’s not a busty 20 year old model who gets movie roles she once was and that aging shit fucks her up at her core….you know insecure about her mom body….but based on these pictures looks better than most bodies…maybe it’s just cuz she’s wearing black and shit is slimming according to my highschool Home Ec class I volunteered to teach for the pussy, but maybe I’m just down with old ladies holding onto their youth, especially when they walk the streets like common whores, when I know they are all fancy and use perfumed lotions on their pussies and shit back at her castle….AMazing

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Liz Hurley Old Lady Street Walker of the Day