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Update your hairstyles with these on trend looks!
Whimsical To Wavy: 3 Hairstyles For You To Try From New York Fashion Week
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Update your hairstyles with these on trend looks!
Whimsical To Wavy: 3 Hairstyles For You To Try From New York Fashion Week
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged bankruptcy, big-deal, get the look, hairstyles, Hollywood, Money, News, Pictures, really-enjoys, so beautiful, time, time-taking, TMZ
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50 Cent really enjoys spending his time taking pictures with stacks of money and posting them to Instagram. Normally, that isn’t such a big deal,…
Why 50 Cent REALLY Needs To Stop Stunting On Instagram [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged 50 cent, bankruptcy, big-deal, Hollywood, instagram, Money, News, Pictures, really-enjoys, stars, time, time-taking
In news that’s tantamount to discovering that Julia Child secretly had a passion for Taco Bell, Inception cinematographer Wally Pfister revealed that director Chris Nolan really enjoys watching the cinematic oevere of Mister ‘Splosions-Bang-Bang himself, Michael Bay. My world has been turned upside down like a Joseph Gordon-Levitt fight scene. Maybe Nolan’s just watching to figure out what not to do? [ Cinematical ]
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Christopher Nolan [hearts] Michael Bay Movies
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged christopher nolan, cinematic, figure-out, films, Hollywood, quick take, really-enjoys, stars, TMZ, wally-pfister
Please enjoy this completely charming video of Mad Men 's cast and crew doing their best Ann Margaret for Matt Weiner. Rich Sommer really enjoys getting naked , apparently. The Best Links: The original, for reference. ONTD via Pop Culture Brain Watch
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged adiche, completely, completely-charming, Culture, michel-houellebecq, ngozi-adiche, really-enjoys, say-out, shay, sommer, stars, their-best