Tag Archives: really-kissed

Sheree Gets Served In Court By Her Ex! ["RHOA" RECAP]

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Last night was a BONUS episode of “Real Housewives of Atlanta” and in case you missed it, you missed Sheree and Phaedra get served by Sheree’s ex-husband, Bob, in court. Unfortunately, Sheree and her ex-husband are still battling each other over child support, and when Bob beats Sheree to the punch by filing a petition to reduce his child support, Sheree hires her friend and lawyer, Phaedra to help her out with the case. Phaedra reminds Sheree that she still has the option to throw Bob in jail for failing to pay child support for the past four years, but who wants to see their child’s father sitting in a jail cell? Sheree decides to go ahead and take Bob back to court in attempts to get a substantial amount of child support for their children. Kim’s Baby Shower Turns Into A Complete Disaster! “RHOA” [RECAP] According to the housewives, the court system in Atlanta usually favors men especially high profile men like athletes which put Sheree in a tight situation. Although Sheree was nervous about the upcoming court date, Phaedra reassured her that everything would be okay, and to let her do all the talking. The day finally came for Sheree to face her ex in court, and although she was teary eyed, she put her big girl panties on, a pair of low pumps and slacks that hid her “big ol donky booty” and held her head high. Should Sheree Hound Her Ex Husband For Child Support? “RHOA” [RECAP] Less than five minutes into the case, Sheree’s ex hands the judge a Petition Contempt against Sheree, claiming that she took furniture from him during their divorce. Sheree wasn’t sweating, yet, as she stated, “Oh no, no, no, my attorney Phaedra Parks got something better for you boo!” But, Phaedra Parks  had nothing. She was just as stunned as we were by Bob’s cleverness and ability to represent himself in court. I guess Sheree should have warned Phaedra ahead of time that Bob was a smart man, and had a degree from Stanford.  They agreed to meet in court at a later date, so Phaedra could have time to review Bob’s petition. Later that afternoon, Sheree, Phaedra and Kandi meet for a quick lunch. Their conversation turns emotional with Sheree and Kandi begin talking about Sheree’s experience in court and Kandi’s experience with trying to get child support from her ex husband for her daughter Riley. It’s an emotional moment for the housewives, and it’s hard to watch these strong women broken down by their ex-men who aren’t active in their children’s lives. On a lighter note, Kim and Kroy finally bring baby KJ home and he’s as cute as a button! At least one housewife seemed to have a happy episode! What did you think about last night’s episode? Tweet me! @xoxoSHAR Nene Leakes: “I Don’t Like Sheree That Much” “RHOA’s” Peter Thomas On Sheree: “I Don’t Think She’s Cute” Was “Ridickulous” Too Ridiculous For Kandi’s Party? “RHOA” [RECAP]

Sheree Gets Served In Court By Her Ex! ["RHOA" RECAP]

Unhappy In Your Relationship? You Deserve Better!

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So many women are unhappy in their relationships, we give so much of yourselves and try to make our significant other happy, but yet we are unfulfilled. Are you with the person you deserve? We stay in relationships for various factors, be it the kids, money or the I’ve invested so much of myself, I can’t leave now. At some point you have to take some accountability and tell yourself I deserve better. Take a look: When Was The Last Time You Were Really Kissed? Want more Shanda? Check her out here

Unhappy In Your Relationship? You Deserve Better!