Vanessa Hudgens wore lingerie as outerwear at some AIDS event which would be inappropriate if AIDS wasn’t the Gay disease…seeing as lingerie is the gateway to unprotected sex with strangers…or homeless people…or really trannies wearing lingerie…which is basically where AIDS lives now…. It’s not a death sentence, probably due to events like this, that take millions to put on, and that donate very little back to aids, where the people involved feel they are creating awareness while being all fancy, instead of just giving that production budget to AIDS…while the celebs just shut the fuck up….and throw their undeserved money at the cause instead…seems a little more decent… But all this is to say if Vanesssa Hudgens had AIDS, now that she’s fit…I’d totally smear it on my face and swallow gallons of it…she’s great. TO SEE THE REST OF THE OSCAR PICS CLICK HERE Here she is eating ice cream.. The post Vanessa Hudgens in a Racy Lingerie Outfit for AIDS of the DAy , appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Vanessa Hudgens in a Racy Lingerie Outfit for AIDS of the DAy ,