Tag Archives: really-working

Fergie’s Sexiness Goes For A Ride

I normally have a really hard time dealing with Fergie’s busted old face, but I have to say that these pictures of her in something called The Beauty Book for brain cancer are really working for me. Probably because I’m having a hard time even noticing that she’s got a face. Seriously, a body like that without any pants on riding a bicycle is an awesome look. I really hope it catches on, I live right near a bike path.

POLL: Was Ellen DeGeneres A Good Choice?

It came as a bit of a shock, but do you think Ellen DeGeneres was the right person to replace Paula Abdul as a judge on American Idol? Predict more polls like this at www.ePlay.com

See original here:
POLL: Was Ellen DeGeneres A Good Choice?

Paris Hilton: Overcooked…Or Just Right?

Hey Paris…didn’t anyone ever tell you not to wear orange and red together. Oh wait, that orange is your skin color…. Paris Hilton stepped out of the tanning salon looking straight out of the fryer

Paris Hilton: Overcooked…Or Just Right?