Tag Archives: hope-it-catches

Fergie’s Sexiness Goes For A Ride

I normally have a really hard time dealing with Fergie’s busted old face, but I have to say that these pictures of her in something called The Beauty Book for brain cancer are really working for me. Probably because I’m having a hard time even noticing that she’s got a face. Seriously, a body like that without any pants on riding a bicycle is an awesome look. I really hope it catches on, I live right near a bike path.

Lindsay Lohan In Sexy Knee High Socks

I’m not going to lie, I think it’s great that Lindsay Lohan is trying to bring back the high socks look . Back when I was teen I remember that this style was popular for a year and I loved it then, and I love it even more now. Let’s hope it catches on. If it does, you can bet your asses that I’ll be hanging out blogging at the bus shelter near my local community college. more pictures of Lindsay Lohan here

Minka Kelly Is Engaged And In Her Bikini

Rumors have been circulating this morning that hottie Minka Kelly may or may not be engaged to Derek Jeter.

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Minka Kelly Is Engaged And In Her Bikini