Tag Archives: reason-lindsay

The Reason Lindsay Lohan Doesn’t Have an Oscar of the Day

I used to be a believer that a broken Lindsay Lohan, who was so fucking famous after her parents sold her to Disney and monetized the fuck out of her, despite robbing her of her soul….would one day win an Oscar… My rationale was that she’d make a good story of overcoming all odds, you know since she hasn’t died yet….coupled with the fact that I don’t think acting requires any actual talent, just ego and willingness to not feel like an asshole, when clearly you’re being an asshole… I though that her extreme training as a young kid would allow her to dial into that part of her brain and get it…but then she puts out this shit..and I think…”God she’s terrible”…. I guess despite being a believer I am pretty sure Lohan is done….all based on her Dubsmash she felt the fans needed to see. The post The Reason Lindsay Lohan Doesn’t Have an Oscar of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Reason Lindsay Lohan Doesn’t Have an Oscar of the Day