Kourtney Kardashian shared her enthusiasm for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show like any diehard fan would: cosplay. Not to be confused with her Halloween costume, Kourt donned a different lingerie look just hours ahead of this year’s show. The results are jaw-dropping. Take a look: Kourt captioned this photo: “Can’t wait for tonight.” She was referring to the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. 2018 seems to exist outside of the normal rules of time, so we understand that it might be hard to accept that Halloween was just two weeks ago. Famously, she and her sisters went as Victoria’s Secret Angels — because of course they did. In this pic, however, Kourtney is wearing a slightly different outfit, both in terms of the lingerie portion and in terms of the wings. For contrast, here is the look that she was sporting for Halloween: As you can see, the “wings” are very different in the Halloween costume. And the lingerie is a bit more revealing. Those outfits were, of course, supplied by Victoria’s Secret. (The Kardashian brand is still intensely powerful, folks, and any company would jump at the chance to have these women don their products) The picture up top is of Kourtney getting hyped for the actual runway show. But on All Hallow’s Eve, the Kardashian clan put on a runway show of their very own. The women — excuse us, the angels — looked positively radiant in their Halloween costumes. “Thank you Victoria’s Secret for sending us actual runway looks and real wings to borrow for the night!!!” Kim gushed. “OMG a dream come true!” Kim continued. “Got to be a Victoria’s Secret Angel for the night!” Kim acknowledged that her supermodel sister was no stranger to the look: “[And] Kendall got good practice lol.” Kendall’s non-compete agreement with La Perla lingerie had thankfully run out in time for her to participate in this year’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. (Which, honestly, makes it kind of awkward — don’t do a group costume if the costume idea is just the day job of one member of the group) Kourtney, for her part, crackd a joke about her height. “I opened the show,” Kourtney shared on Halloween. “Thank you [Victoria’s Secret] for making me the first ever 5’1” angel,” she joked. In case you had forgotten, the Kardashian women are extraordinarily tiny. (Even the “tall” ones, like Khloe and Kendall at 5-foot-10 each, only look tall because their sisters are so short) The Kardashians brought some added attention — or at least a timely reminder — of the real Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Unfortunately, the show managed to stir up some controversy this year. A recurring topic regarding the fashion industry is a glaring lack of diversity. This year, the brand answered that question very poorly. When asked about the idea of models on the runway with different ages, or body types, or who might be transgender or disabled, the Chief Marketing Officer put his foot in his mouth. “No. No, I don’t think we should,” he said. “Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy.” That did not go over well, and he has since apologized. Kourtney’s latest photo comes as fires are ravaging Southern California, even reaching as far as some Kardashian properties. Multiple celebrities have had their homes totally consumed by raging wildfires. With this year’s drought, the fire continues to burn unchecked — and with climate change, these devastating wildfires will only grow more frequent. We sincerely hope that the fire can soon be contained and extinguished. In the mean time, many find Kourt’s photos to be a welcome distraction from the horrifying inferno. View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian & Family: 19 Conspiracy Theories That May Actually Be True (Okay, Some of Them)
Kourtney Kardashian Teases Thirsty Fans with New Lingerie Pic