Everything is a complete and total mess out on Jenelle Evans' swamp right now. Like, it's real bad. There was that leaked 911 call in which Jenelle straight up said that David Eason assaulted her, then there were all those sad denials that anything was wrong. Everyone thinks David knocked her teeth out, and he also threatened to kill Chelsea Houska's father. Like we said, it's bad. There was also a recent incident during Teen Mom 2 filming where David showed up and taunted producers while Jenelle laughed. It was actually kind of scary, but you know Jenelle: she's defending him, despite all those many, many red flags. And oh, honey … 1. The “Happy” Couple When Jenelle married David Eason last year, who could have imagined that they’d be in the situation they’re in now? 2. Uh … Well, literally everyone. 3. The WORST David has been awful probably forever, but definitely since Jenelle first started dating him. 4. Not a Great Sign One of the very first things we learned about him was that he had two children from previous relationships, and that his own son had a restraining order against him because he’d allegedly assaulted the boy’s mother. 5. Jenelle, If You’re Reading: THIS IS NOT NORMAL AND IT IS NOT GOOD. 6. Gross Still, despite the mountains of red flags, Jenelle had a child with David, and she went on to marry him. View Slideshow
See original here:
Jenelle Evans: Everyone Loves David Eason! I’m Totally Not Delusional!