Tag Archives: recipes-while

Paula Deen Chows on Burger on Vacation

Paula Deen is on a vacation … and going to TOWN on a burger! The Food Network star, who recently revealed she has type 2 diabetes, was photographed eating a burger and fries Monday on a Caribbean cruise ship with her fans. Deen, 65, is taking heat from critics, such as Anthony Bourdain , who say she has profited from her indulgent cooking and recipes while keeping her condition secret . This story is not likely to douse that fire. While diabetes isn’t a sentence to life without burgers, eating a healthy diet is one way to manage it … which makes Deen’s admission all the more baffling to some. As Deen made her announcement, she also partnered with drug maker Novo Nordisk to launch a new site, Diabetes in a New Light, offering diabetes-friendly recipes. Then she turns around and inhales a juicy burger. Nice. Deen says she’s cut back on sugary/fatty foods, and that “I want to try to get across moderation,” she says. If that’s true, shouldn’t she … eh, forget it. Tell us: Does Paula Deen set a terrible example?

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Paula Deen Chows on Burger on Vacation