Tag Archives: recognize

How To End The War On The Car: Recognize It Is A Win-Win Situation

In Toronto , the new Mayor thinks roads belong to trucks and cars , and thinks bike lanes slow them down. He calls bike lanes and streetcars a “war on the car.” In fact, there is some evidence of exactly the opposite; in many cases, a person on a bike might otherwise be taking up road space in a car. In New York , the investment in bike lanes has resulted in a 13% increase in usage last year, and an 88% increase in the last three years. According to

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How To End The War On The Car: Recognize It Is A Win-Win Situation

Businesses & Consumers Just Beginning to Recognize Economic Cost of Biodiversity Loss

The latest report from the UN-supported The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity project has been released, this time examining how businesses need to start addressing biodiversity loss and better appreciate the value of ecosystem services –those natural planetary functions, such as pollinating insects, that would other… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Businesses & Consumers Just Beginning to Recognize Economic Cost of Biodiversity Loss