Tag Archives: relies-on-being

Awesome Drunk Dude of the Day

As a drunk person, who likes being drunk, who needs to be drunk, and who relies on being drunk to get through all aspects of life, even the most menial…because drunk just makes things more tolerable, from the inner demons and repressed memories in our soul, to the annoying, tedious conversations you have with the people you come across and who you can’t help but hate…I am a fan of videos of drunk people, even if they are also high people, who may or may not have given up on life, but who are giving themselves face plants because it’s pretty fucking funny..

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Awesome Drunk Dude of the Day

Paris Hilton in Some Bathing Suit Bullshit of the DAy

Paris Hilton always does that fucking face, pose, whatever the fuck you want to call it, that makes me want to punch her in the fucking face. You know all pouty and bird faced, like some little fucking princess brat at her birthday party where she doesn’t let any of her guests play with her toys….She’s not hot, but she is a waste of fucking money. So much could come from the millions she has both inherited and made for herself, but instead she just relies on being a tacky, useless, pouty faced cunt….a stain on society and a bad influence on little girls…turning them into sex tape producing materialistic cunts like her…which I guess is only half bad….if you know what I mean….cuz I like sex tape producing cunts…just when they are a little down to earth you see… Who cares. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Paris Hilton in Some Bathing Suit Bullshit of the DAy

Kim Kardashian is Meaty Leaving the Gym of the Day

This is not the body of someone who goes to the gym. This is the body of a bitch who likes having pictures of her taken who knows everyone will talk if they see her going to the gym just out of sheer amazement of her how thick she is and how thick she would be if she didn’t work out. I don’t believe the lie. I just know her whole business relies on being seen because she’s not a talent, she’s not an actor or singer, really andy rich, busty, round shaped cunt with no self respect and a sex tape of her getting fucked hard by black men could replace her….any of Paris Hilton’s jealous friends who want the same flash in the pan legacy for doing pretty irrelevant shit could be Kim Kardashian…but only a few of them are that into bottom feeding for a couple bucks and male attention. She is garbage, or actually sewage, but that’s cuz she likes when people go to the bathroom on her and I’m just helping the problem posting these pics of her…and if this site was relevant….I’d really be mad at myself…. Here are her pics…yes this is my second Kardashian post today…I’m dealing with a hacker – give me a break.

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Kim Kardashian is Meaty Leaving the Gym of the Day