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MAJOR Star Wars Episode VII Spoiler Revealed? You Won’t Believe Who the Villain is Rumored To Be!

Since Star Wars Episode VII won’t hit theaters until December 2015 , we’re forced to rely on random Internet chatter and leaks from anonymous sources in order to figure out what we’re in store for. Sure, we could just wait until the movie comes out, but where’s the fun in that? Other than the Episode VII cast announcement , there’s been little in the way of official news from JJ Abrams and company. But don’t worry, there’s been plenty of wild fan speculation! Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Photos 1. Adam Driver Adam Driver was one of the first to be cast in the long-awaited Star Wars sequel. He’s best known for his role on HBO’s Girls. The latest comes to us from a Star Wars fansite that freely admits the latest “spoiler” could be utter BS. But if there’s any truth to it then this is huge. Like, “Luke, I am your father” huge. (Obviously, potential spoilers lie ahead): Basically, the claim made by Making Star Wars is that Episode VII concludes with a Shyamalan-esque twist in which the villain that’s been butting heads with our heroes from the start to the film finally removes his hood and… Dun dun dunnn … It’s Luke Skywalker! Many have argued that there can’t be any truth to this rumor as George Lucas would throw a fit if the iconic hero he created decades ago was revealed to be evil in disguise all along. Of course, the franchise isn’t under Lucas’ control anymore (Though he’s still not a guy you wanna piss off.) and Luke going to the Dark Side would bring the story full-circle in a pretty satisfying way. Frankly, we’re just spitballing here, as like everyone else we have no clue what the hell’s gonna happen in Episode VII. All we know for sure is that the first on-set photos gave us full nerd erections, and we’re pretty sure Abrams could remake After Earth and it would be awesome. Or at least it wouldn’t suck as bad. What we’re saying is, the guy’s good and we’re excited. 36 Memorable Movie Posters 1. Gone Girl Poster Ben Affleck stars in Gone Girl. We can’t wait to see this movie!!!

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MAJOR Star Wars Episode VII Spoiler Revealed? You Won’t Believe Who the Villain is Rumored To Be!