Tag Archives: replied-murphy

Ryan Murphy vs. Kings of Leon: Round 2!

Things have turned personal between Ryan Murphy and Kings of Leon. First, the Glee creator lashed out at the band for rejecting his show’s request to use its songs for an episode. Murphy cursed the group off, which prompted a quizzical response from its lead singer, asking why Murphy was so angry. But drummer Nathan Followill has now given the proud gay man a reason to be peeved. He Tweeted this morning: Dear Ryan Murphy, let it go. See a therapist, get a manicure, buy a new bra. Zip your lip and focus on educating 7yr olds how to say f–k. Glee Return Promo Replied Murphy in a statement to Perez Hilton: Wow. That’s a homophobe badly in need of some education. I’m all for manicures, don’t wear a bra. Would guess most gay dudes don’t. But it’s telling that Nathan can reduce a group of people to a mean-spirited clich