Tag Archives: return-promo

My Five Wives Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: On a Mission

Sunday night on an all new My Five Wives Season 2 Episode 7 , the trip to Seattle was over and done with, but one of the crew had a different destination in mind: Peru. Watch My Five Wives Season 2 Episode 7 Online Taylor was set to begin her mission in the South American nation as My Five Wives Season 2 Episode 7 kicked off. It’s a huge life undertaking, that’s for sure. Rosemary, meanwhile, grew inspired by her child to make some changes to her life right here at home. ‘Cause it’s never to late to make a new start. As for Karlie, she planned a decathlon for the whole family to participate in, and while there are no Bruce Jenners among them, it promised to be fun. Or did it? We’d give it away here, but that would be no fun. Instead, you can follow the link, sit back and watch My Five Wives online right now to find out!

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My Five Wives Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: On a Mission

The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 8 Recap: Midseason Finale Mayhem

Well done, Rick Grimes! Your plan totally worked on The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 8 , as both Carol and Beth were “discharged” from the hospital. The only problem, of course, was that Beth didn’t exactly do so with a pulse. Watch The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 8 Online To close the first half of The Walking Dead Season 5 , Rick and company attempted a peaceful negotiation with their new enemies, but these weren’t folks interested in a deal. Or in morals. Or in rules of any kind. So before  Beth could reunite with her fellow survivors and get away,she was shot to death by the hospital’s self-appointed dictator, Dawn. In response, Daryl killed Beth’s murderer. In this job, you don’t need their love, but you have to have their respect. Otherwise a day’s gonna come when you need backup, and you don’t have it. And what comes next? Everybody goes down. You can go ahead and put that on your tombstone now, Dawn. “I think the writing throughout has been great, but I wasn’t ready for it to be over,” actress Emily Kinney told TV Line about her character’s demise, adding:   “I think the Beth character, in particular… more could’ve been done with a teenager growing up [in that world]. I did not see it coming at all.” The death of Beth was by far the most notable development on the midseason finale, but also worth mentioning: Rick offered freedom to any of the wards at Grady Memorial and only Noah accepted. What will we see from him next year? Morgan showed up in the post-credits sequences, following the group’s trail after seeing the map Abraham left behind for Rick in the church. We were treated to a nice moment between Tyreese and Sasha on the roof of the parking garage, as the former thinks they’re still fundamentally the same people they’ve always been. “You’re still the same, and that’s good. I don’t think I can be, not anymore,” she replies.” Based on the preview below, it appears as if everyone is off to Alexandria, doesn’t it? Check it out now and be sure to watch The Walking Dead online via TV Fanatic if you need to catch up prior to the show’s return: The Walking Dead Season 5 Return Promo

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The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 8 Recap: Midseason Finale Mayhem

Ryan Murphy vs. Kings of Leon: Round 2!

Things have turned personal between Ryan Murphy and Kings of Leon. First, the Glee creator lashed out at the band for rejecting his show’s request to use its songs for an episode. Murphy cursed the group off, which prompted a quizzical response from its lead singer, asking why Murphy was so angry. But drummer Nathan Followill has now given the proud gay man a reason to be peeved. He Tweeted this morning: Dear Ryan Murphy, let it go. See a therapist, get a manicure, buy a new bra. Zip your lip and focus on educating 7yr olds how to say f–k. Glee Return Promo Replied Murphy in a statement to Perez Hilton: Wow. That’s a homophobe badly in need of some education. I’m all for manicures, don’t wear a bra. Would guess most gay dudes don’t. But it’s telling that Nathan can reduce a group of people to a mean-spirited clich