Little tolerance for sociopaths like Virginia Foxx by David Atkins Representative Virginia Foxx, chair of the House Subcommittee on higher education, went on G. Gordon Liddy’s radio show to say this : I went through school, I worked my way through, it took me seven years, I never borrowed a dime of money. He borrowed a little bit because we both were totally on our own when we went to college, totally…I… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Hullabaloo Discovery Date : 13/04/2012 16:08 Number of articles : 2
The birther business from Representative Vicky Hartzler’s (r) town hall in Sedalia, Missouri last Thursday has been making the national news rounds these past few days. There was another remarkable exchange, also mentioned in the Sedalia Democrat report, which possesses an abundance of right wingnut paranoid win. At 17:00 in the video: …. Question: …It’s an honor to talk to you. Uh, my concern,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : They gave us a republic Discovery Date : 06/04/2012 11:15 Number of articles : 2
Amber Lancaster has an amazing career of being Miss Washington Teen USA, which lead to being in a Bo Bice music video, even though I have no idea who Bo Bice is, but I’m thinking he failed American Idol or something….She was also a show model on the Price is Right and in 2009 she peaked as a Trophy Holder at the Primetime Emmy Awards…where she got more airtime, although unnoticed airtime on TV of her fucking career….rubbing elbows with famous TV people, hoping to rub genitals, making her the next Sofia Vergara or some shit….and now she’s posing with trash after drinking her sorrows away for not making it like her Miss Washington Teen USA win made her think was oging to happpen for her before reality set in that life isn’t as easy as daddy made it out to be with all those praises he gave her growing up….who cares. Clearly not many people.
I am going to pretend I don’t know what event these pictures were taken at, because I think Jack and Jill is such a horrible fucking concept of a movie, like a mockery to the movie industry and the careers of anyone involved, that I think it is better to just pretend it doesn’t exist and never happened…and Katie Holmes hotness is making that easy…. Sure, she may be a prisoner to the alien gods we all know exist, but don’t want to admit, I mean the concept of DNA code, like we’re fucking computers, is proof enough if you ask me, but she’s still pretty fucking lovely to me…I mean she’s the kind of person I’m okay with being our representative to the higher gods, you know using her vagina for experiments do keep them satisfied and at bay….cuz I’m not ready for a world takeover and massive death and destruction, even if I know we are doomed and know that it is coming….I just haven’t mastered my hand to hand combat yet… Not that it matters….She’s hot in pink and I like looking at her tit, like this was before she found Alien gods, and got naked in movies to redefine herself from the Dawson’s creek bullshit….before redefining herself as a weirdo wife and mother committed to an even bigger weirdo…here are the pics…of some alien hotness….
I didn’t think it was possible for me to think that someone might well be a bigger, more obnoxious asshole than Bill Maher, but Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Chairthing of the Democrat National Committee, is a serious contender. Here she is taking shots (utterly predictable in tone, form and content) at Representative Allen West after Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Parkway Rest Stop Discovery Date : 21/07/2011 20:47 Number of articles : 2
The ‘Baby’ hitmaker is said to have laid eyes on a $1.7 million apartment in the Westwood area, but his representative stresses that ‘nothing has been purchased as of right now.’
The ‘Baby’ hitmaker is said to have laid eyes on a $1.7 million apartment in the Westwood area, but his representative stresses that ‘nothing has been purchased as of right now.’
David Nelson, the last surviving member of the idealized TV family portrayed on the show, died Tuesday in Los Angeles of complications from colon cancer, his representative Dale Olson said, according to reports. David Nelson, who played the elder son on the 1950s sitcom The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, has died at 74. Nelson played a fictionalized version of himself on the popular series, which started on radio, became a movie and then ran on ABC from 1952 to 1966. The family, which used t
Posted onDecember 3, 2010byBenny Hollywood|Comments Off on Grayson: GOP’s Primary Reason For Tax Cuts Is To Benefit Right-Wing Pundits
I love Grayson because he does not hold back…..He was the GOP's number one target in the last election and here is a example of why they spent tens of millions of dollars to defeat him.… Subtlety isn't one Alan Grayson's better traits. The outgoing Florida Congressman is perhaps best known now as the man who unwisely branded his opponent “Taliban Dan” in a desperate bid to keep his seat. The firestorm surrounding the ill-conceived attack ad managed to prove that even an American electorate hardened to ludricious political advertising knew when a line had been crossed. It also prompted a discussion about whether he was, in fact, “America's Worst Politician.” Now, as he exits Congress, Grayson has lobbed one last salvo at nearly everyone in the GOP. In a slide-show exhibit decrying tax cuts for the rich, the representative tried to rally his colleagues by pointing to the obscene amounts of money that the richest Republicans will likely reap if the Bush tax cuts are extended. In between the slides, he also managed to add slight personal digs to each of the prominent conservatives. Here's a running tally of how he described each Republican: Glenn Beck – The man makes millions from an “ongoing, night by night imitation of Howard Beale from Network” Sean Hannity – (aka “Man of the People”) “Maybe he can go and afford some anger management classes” Bill O'Reilly – “He's No Pinhead” about arguing for tax cuts that only benefit rich people like him. Rush Limbaugh – (aka “the man with the cigar”) Sarah Palin – “She's done a better job of turning fame into cash than anyone in American history” Newt Gingrich – “The man who did such a great job in running America back in the 90's that he want's a second chance this decade. Newt if you do to us what you did to us then, we're going to be in big trouble.” George W. Bush – (aka “the Big Cheese”) “the man who got us into two endless wars, the man who brought us to the brink of national bankruptcy, the man who gave us four dollar a gallon gasoline.”… added by: navider
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Posted onNovember 16, 2010byBenny Hollywood|Comments Off on Anti-‘Obamacare’ Congressman Doesn’t Understand How Health Insurance Works [Sigh]
New Maryland Republican Representative Andy Harris won his seat on a platform of resisting the expansion of “government-run or government-mandated insurance.” He also spent Monday demanding to know why he had to wait 28 days for his own government-run insurance. More
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