Tag Archives: resignations

Breaking News: The Majority Of The Ruling Party In Egypt Has Resigned!

Alright, alright, there’s some progress being made, hopefully Hosni Mubarak realizes that its a wrap and throws in the towel soon. CAIRO — The top leadership body of Egypt’s ruling party resigned today, including the president’s son, but the regime appeared to be digging in its heels, calculating that it can ride out street demonstrations and keep President Hosni Mubarak in office. The ruling party leaders who resigned included the country’s most powerful political figures — and its most unpopular among many Egyptians. The move may have been aimed at convincing protesters in the streets that the regime is sincere in implementing democratic reforms they demand. But State TV, announcing the resignations, still identified head of state Mubarak as president of the ruling party in a sign he would remain in authority. And Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq said Saturday that stability was returning to the country, appearing confident that a deal on future reforms can be reached with the multiple opposition movements to defuse protests without the 82-year-old Mubarak necessarily leaving power immediately. Protesters have refused to end their mass rallies in downtown Tahrir Square until Mubarak quits. Tens of thousands gathered today in Tahrir, waving flags and chanting a day after some 100,000 massed there in an intensified demonstration labeled “the day of departure,” in hopes it would be the day Mubarak leaves. Their unprecedented 12-day movement has entered a delicate new phase. Organizers fear that without the pressure of protesters on the street, Mubarak’s regime will enact only cosmetic reforms and try to preserve its grip on power. So they are reluctant to lift their demonstrations without the concrete gain of Mubarak’s ouster and a transition mechanism that guarantees a real move to democracy afterward. Mubarak has insisted he will remain in his post until the end of his term in his autumn. In the meantime, the government has sought to draw opposition parties and the youth groups involved in the protests into immediate negotiations on constitutional reforms so presidential elections can be held in September to replace Mubarak. Protest organizers, wary of a trap, have refused until Mubarak goes. A key question will be whether they can maintain enthusiasm and continue to rally large numbers. Some in Tahrir greeted the new concession of ruling party resignations with with scorn. Wael Khalil, a 45-year-old activist, said it would “reinforce their (protersers’) resolve and increase their confidence because it shows that they are winning, and the regime is retreating inch by inch.” We here at Bossip would encourage all the people of Egypt to hold tight to your convictions and do not let up until the government gives you exactly what you want! Wonder what it would take for the people of the U.S. to stand and be heard in this same fashion? Source

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Breaking News: The Majority Of The Ruling Party In Egypt Has Resigned!

Washington Post Blogger Resigns Over Private Emails to Friends [Resignations]

Recently hired Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel , who wrote a great blog about the conservative movement for them, has resigned after some blunt private emails to his “friends” were released to the public. Nice going, everyone! More

Russia To Send Shamed Olympians to Gulag, Start All Over Again

An angry Dmitry Medvedev, president of all Mother Russia, has issued a fiery statement about his country's Olympic athletes biffing it so hard in the just-ended Vancouver games. He wants the resignations of Russian Olympic officials on his desk immediately! “Those responsible should take the brave decision and sign a letter (of resignation). If they can't we will help them,” he said on television yesterday, demanding that things be changed lest the Motherland suffer another embarrassment (the usually strong Russian team finished 11th in the medal count) on its home turf in 2014. He blames it on officials and trainers, who were maybe not devoting all the allotted money to the actual, you know, training of sports people: “The athlete, not federations, those fat cats, must be given priority.” Those filthy fat cats, stealing Soviet pride with all their wasteful spending. OMG, is Medvedev a Tea Bagger? http://gawker.com/5482854/russia-to-send-shamed-olympians-to-gulag-start-all-ove… added by: pjacobs51