Tag Archives: respect-the-nyt

President Obama Aghast at Notion of Peas in Guacamole

Gay marriage? Health care subsidies? The 2016 Presidential Election? Please.  President Barack Obama has a far more important subject to debate: the mere suggestion that one ought to put peas in one’s guacamole. The New York Times published an article on Wednesday, July 1 that dared to make this recommendation, as the venerable newspaper Tweeted along with the photo posted above: Add green peas to your guacamole. Trust us. The accompanying piece argued that including peas with this chip-themed delicacy adds an “intense sweetness and a chunky texture to the dip.” But a certain Commander-in-Chief strongly disagrees. “Respect the nyt, but not buying peas in guac,” Obama tweeted. “Onions, garlic, hot peppers. Classic.” As you might expect, the President’s own list of essentials sparked their own bit of online outrage, but let’s save his guacamole recipe for another time. Now, we simply want to know your take on this escalating situation: peas in guacamole? Yay or nay?!?

Originally posted here:
President Obama Aghast at Notion of Peas in Guacamole