Tag Archives: restoring-love

Glenn Beck Slams Glee as "Horrifying," Plots Alternative

Glenn Beck gave a speech on Friday at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference and made two very simple points: Glee is destroying America; and he knows how to fix it. The former Fox News anchor told attendees that he and his wife watched a recent episode of the Fox hit and could not believe it dared to address topics such as homosexuality and bullying. “It’s horrifying some of the things that they’re teaching high schoolers,” Beck said of Glee . “But it’s brilliantly done. It’s produced, brilliantly. Its music, brilliant. Its acting, brilliant. Its cinematography, brilliant. All of it!” Glenn Beck Hates on Glee So what is a conservative pundit to do in the face of such disgusting propaganda? Come up with a counter alternative, of course. Beck won’t reveal what he has in mind, but told the crowd he has “spent about a year now trying to put together a push-back [to Glee ] with artists, with music. But not the stereotypical conservative Lee Greenwood music.” He has named the mysterious initiative his “Oedipus Project” because “the left will be making out with me and they’ll never see it coming.” All Beck has said about the project is that it will somehow involve a rapper and more information will be revealed at his three-day “Restoring Love” event July 28 at Cowboy Stadium in Dallas. Really, that’s a thing. This is not the first time Beck has gone off on Glee . Last year, he referred to the show as a “nightmare” that centered on “self-gratification.” Choose a side now in this feud:

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Glenn Beck Slams Glee as "Horrifying," Plots Alternative