Tag Archives: retail-outlets

7-Eleven Joins Rolling Stone Cover Boycott

Rolling Stone’s Dzhokhar Tsarnaev cover story has inspired an ever-growing list of boycotts among retail outlets, including now by 7-Eleven stores. The chain is joining the outrage at Rolling Stone , which put Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover with a piece on his life leading up to the Boston bombing. A rep for 7-Eleven, Inc. says that it “will not sell the August 1 issue of the Rolling Stone magazine” inside any of its 1,700 company-operated stores. There are another 5,900 franchised stores, and the rep says they’ll also urge those franchise owners to pull the issue spotlighting the alleged terrorist. CVS, Walgreens, and Stop & Shop have also boycotted the issue. What do you think of the controversial Rolling Stone cover?   Why not? He’s topical and interesting … What a disgrace. View Poll »

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7-Eleven Joins Rolling Stone Cover Boycott

Man Saves a Stupid Kid from Death of the Day

I realized that if you leave your house, everyday life gives you a handful of viral video….If I had a videocamera this weekend available to me, I would have got a video of a very pregnant native woman chain smoking, I would have had a weird angy biker getting hit in the face with a water bottle, I would have had a dude walking around with a stuffed wolf like some stupid fucking hipster, I would have had girls with big tits getting out of the pool compliation, I would have had a waterskiing fall, and most importantly, I would have had me in women’s panties going to retail outlets and trying on clothes outside the changing rooms for everyone to see my hustle, before breaking into a dance routine…but the art of the viral video…is actually capturing the stupidity….or staging it so it looks like you did…like these people who put their kid to work and worked the security camera to make a motherfucker look like a hero…. I’m not sure how old this is, but it is new to me…. TO SEE THE VIDEO FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Man Saves a Stupid Kid from Death of the Day