In what may be the most anticipated animated return to television since Family Guy, Futurama finally debuts brand new episodes on Comedy Central (Thursday, 10/9c). Watch full episodes of Futurama “In my heart of hearts, I knew this show was too good to die,” says Billy West, who actually sounds like an older version of Fry, the character he voices on the animated series. “The amount of times the show has been revived from the dead is unbelievable. I love working on zombie Futurama,” jokes John DiMaggio, who plays Bender. There was a moment, though, when it seemed Futurama would be up-ended after a salary negotiation snag last summer. Fortunately, the core cast is returning, and Katey Sagal insists it was “just one of those things that happen” in Hollywood. added by: lordsbassman
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged animated-return, billy-west, character, comedy-central, current, Family, family guy, full-episodes, futurama, katey-sagal, the-character, times-the-show, TMZ