R.E.M. once sang that it was the end of the world as they knew it, and the band felt fine. But if this is really the end of Little People, Big World as we know it… well… that would suck so very much! Why are fans wondering whether the TLC series will return next season? What rumor is floating around about a lead cast member that has fans speculating and wondering? Scroll down to find out! 1. Why Might This Be the Final Season of the Show? For starters, think of the VERY long hiatus it just went on. TLC took longer than ever before to announce new episodes were on the way, impyling executives had been thinking of canceling the series last year. 2. But Here’s the Main Source of the Rumor: Matt Roloff may be moving to Arizona! There’s been chatter for awhile now about Matt moving off the farm . But we assume he’d be headed, like, a few miles away. 3. Wait, Why Arizona? Because it’s warm all year round? According to Radar Online, Roloff and his girlfriend of over a year, Caryn Chandler, have been staying in Surprise, Arizona for the past few days; on vacation, yes, but perhaps on vacation with a purpose. 4. What Would That Purpose Be? Relocation. A family insider recently told the celebrity gossp site that the famous twosome had been looking to buy property in a luxury retirement community in the Phoenix suburb last year. 5. Then There Was This Photo: Matt shared it on Instagram and wrote as asimple caption: “Getting a little pool time in Arizona.” (One could probably get used to these surroundings, huh?) 6. New Neighbors, Huh? Matt and Caryn were also spotted by fans in a local Lowe’s store in Arizona AND Matt told fans to come out to a nearby Barnes and Noble to hear a reading of his children’s book, Little Lucy, Big Race, adding “we want to meet our new neighbors.” View Slideshow
Excerpt from:
Little People, Big World: Why It May Be Ending … Soon!