Also in today’s edition of The Broadsheet: David Fincher’s Dragon Tattoo quote machine hums along… Steven Soderbergh may take a Bitter Pill … Is the Daldry circling the drain?… Don’t look now, but Grown Ups 2 may yet be upon us… and more.
Don’t believe the hype — yet, anyway: “Studio’s [sic] are passing rumors but I’m not sure what I’m doing? I know I’m going to do Pain and Gain early spring but that’s it for right now. I’m leaving all my options on the table. I’ve got several Studio meetings in the next two weeks.” [ Shoot For the Edit ]
Not long ago I poisoned you with a lengthy tribute to Madonna’s 1986 fiasco Shanghai Surprise , and just yesterday I revisited five of Madonna’s more tolerable moments in film with a perky countdown. Time to strike my original pose and get back to rancor: Here’s a proper evisceration of Who’s That Girl , the 1987 comedy starring Griffin Dunne and W.E. ‘s auspicious director. Is it a riot? Yes. Is it grimly bad? Yes. Is it anything else? Scary, sometimes.