Tag Archives: richard-kelly

DVDo’s and DVDon’ts for Feb 23

We've got your DVDo's and DVDon'ts lined up like ducks with giant bullseyes on them. So why not sit back and see what you should and shouldn't purchase for your home viewing pleasure? Our “Movie You Should Buy And Love” Pick: The Informant! has Matt Damon, Steven Soderbergh and enough dry humor to make you feel bad about not seeing it in theaters.

Who’s Tucker Max Blaming For His Movie’s Failure Now?

Oh, Tucker Max : he gave sleazy Encyclopedia Brotanica-eque website AskMen.com an interview . Given the chance to speak freely, he starts his egomanical blame game all over again . This time, blame: Middle America, The Man, His Artistry, and His Producers

Who’s Tucker Max Blaming For His Movie’s Failure Now?

The Darko Mythos: Exploring the Movie World of Richard Kelly

With “The Box” hitting theaters this weekend, we’re about to get another dose of director Richard Kelly’s evolving mythos, which began with Donnie Darko and continued with Southland Tales. So what is Kelly’s Darko Mythos?

Read the rest here:
The Darko Mythos: Exploring the Movie World of Richard Kelly