In a statement both subtle and substantive, Wentworth Miller came out as gay yesterday, writing a powerful letter to the head of a Russian film festival and condemning that nation for its anti-homosexual legislation. And Hollywood continues to applaud Miller for taking such a powerful, brave stance. Scroll down for a sampling of the supportive Tweets and add your own comments for Miller in the Comments section below… Wentworth Miller: I’m Gay, Russia Sucks Ellen DeGeneres : “I’m proud of Wentworth Miller for speaking out in support of equality. Russia doesn’t know what they’re missing.” Neil Patrick Harris : “Well done, Wentworth Miller. Bravo.” Jesse Tyler Ferguson : “So proud of #WentworthMiller. Coming out can be hard & scary but coming out to send a message of tolerance is heroic.” Danay Garcia : “Challenges are presented to us as affirmations of our strength. I support you #Wentworth Miller. Incredible human being.” Amaury Nolasco : “I applaud my boy, Wentworth Miller’s courageousness. I’m proud of you brother, for standing up for what you believe in. Enough is enough! Rockmond Dunbar : “Congrats Went!!! Live free brutha! Proud of you!” Justin Mikita : “Proud of your bravery, Wentworth Miller. #equality”
Continued here:
Wentworth Miller Applauded, Admired for Sexuality Reveal