Tag Archives: rod blagojevich

3 Reasons HBO’s Post-Katrina Drama Treme Might be Better Than Celebrity Apprentice

Sunday night is a crucible of precious moments in the American household: the prayers have been recited, the barbecue has been refrigerated, and Dad wants to settle in for a light night of Cyndi Lauper yelling “Muggles and Wiz- zuhds ” at scared preteens. Still, HBO’ s debut of Treme (a new drama set in post-Katrina New Orleans and conceived by The Wire ‘s mastermind David Simon) may give you reason to stay up past — or perhaps even skip — The Donald’s frosty finger wags. Here are three of its most compelling features:

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3 Reasons HBO’s Post-Katrina Drama Treme Might be Better Than Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice: 5 Creepy Stills from the ‘Harry Potter’s Surreal Life Mansion’ Challenge

Celebrity Apprentice ‘s stars were asked to horrify children last night, and everyone pulled through with flying colors. As part of their challenge to make a 3D display advertising Universal Orlando’s “Wizarding World of Harry Potter” attraction, the celebs built and acted as characters inside muggle-friendly haunted castles. Some of the contestants (Michael Johnson, our girl Summer Sanders ) kept the freakishness to a minimum, while others (just wait) gave unsuspecting children the kind of chills best defined as “Voldemort kisses.”

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Celebrity Apprentice: 5 Creepy Stills from the ‘Harry Potter’s Surreal Life Mansion’ Challenge

Rod Blagojevich: The Lead Loser on Celebrity Apprentice

There’s only one person on the planet with worse hair, and a larger ego, than Donald Trump. In March, that terrible human being will come face-to-face with the real estate mogul, as Rod Blagojevich has received legal permission to participate on the third edition of Celebrity Apprentice

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Rod Blagojevich: The Lead Loser on Celebrity Apprentice