Tag Archives: room-at-mercy

Jesus Took The Wheel: Man Collapses From Heart Attack And Is Dead 15 Minutes Before Being Revived

The Lawd was with him that day. Man Dies Of Heart Attack And Is Then Revived Welcome back, welcome back, wellllcome baaaack… According to DesMoines Register: Don Roese will never listen to “Sweet Caroline” the same way again. The 83-year-old Pomeroy man doesn’t remember requesting the Neil Diamond song around 11:30 p.m. Friday at Kenny’s Pub in Waukee. Nor does he recall hitting the ground, unconscious, just moments into a dance with his daughter-in-law. Roese experienced a severe heart attack that doctors at Mercy Medical Center later determined was caused by 100 percent blockages in two major coronary arteries. “He should not even be here. Less than 1 percent of people survive that type of incident,” Clive Assistant Fire Chief Tony Collins said. Collins led a group of pub patrons who performed CPR until paramedics arrived. He immediately began performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while four others checked vital signs and performed chest compressions. The harrowing scene continued for several minutes without signs of hope. “He had no pulse and no respiratory effort whatsoever … He was dead for almost 15 minutes,” Collins said. Today, the two men met in a hospital recovery room at Mercy. “Typically you slam those ambulance doors, it drives away and you wonder what happens,” Collins said. “It just made my day like you wouldn’t believe that I got to talk to him after.” 15 minutes?? Is this Tony Collins character white Jesus or somethin’?? Courtesy of Tony Collins

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Jesus Took The Wheel: Man Collapses From Heart Attack And Is Dead 15 Minutes Before Being Revived