Tag Archives: ruin-popculture

Katy Perry Does Maxim of the Day

This is unfortunate. Sure she looks alright when photoshopped to shit with emphasis on her tits and not her sloppy muff gunt, her cankles, her bad burn victim acne scared skin, but I’d rather jerk off to memories of some no name busty sluts in the local bar than this, not that anyone jerks off to Maxim, I mean you aren’t 14 anymore and it’s not 1994, we got access to substantially better material with this whole internet thing, and don’t have our moms to worry about catching us with dirty mags, so we don’t have to mask or hide it as a lifestyle magazine…. It is unfortunate because Katy Perry is annoying and seeing her in this means she’s still got more of a run in her, when really I just want her to disappear. I know Maxim isn’t really relevant anymore at all, so I shouldn’t get worried, and I’m not really, I just know any publicity no matter how much she’s paid for it or not, is bad for my goal of her vanishing….and she can take this Maxim bullshit with her…

Excerpt from:
Katy Perry Does Maxim of the Day

Kesha’s Leaked Dirty Pics of the Day

These pictures were so jacked up on tags, I decided to join the tag party like some low level graff crew on the interent. Kesha is disgusting, useless. ugly, vile, a waste of space, a stain on society, etc. She could be getting raped by a mule and I’d only watch to make sure it’s big dick ripped her half so I wouldn’t have to see her bullshit again. Seriously. She could be masturbating in the shower and I’d only watch hoping the toaster her mom left plugged in next to the bathtub fell in. She could be getting fucked unprotected and I’d only watch hoping it was with someone who had previously fucked a tranny in Brazil with a weird strain of AIDS that turns into ebola after contact so that bitch ends up shitting out her eyeballs and I know for sure that she won’t be back to ruin popculture…. So these leaked pics are boring at best, obvious and expected because bottom feeding like this is what you do when you’re a bottom feeder… Speaking of bottom feeding here’s some dude feeding off her bottom…sucks to be him…sucks to be that horny…sucks he didn’t have better options..sucks he’s using this to promote some bullshit site…sucks the world knows you have smelled this girl’s twat…sucks that I’m lookin at this. Seriously sucks that I am looking at this… More importantly, who has a TV like this? What ghetto plywood model room is this? Are you sure this isn’t Not to mention, we all have sex, so who fucking cares. IS this an accomplishment? Really? Come on, I’ve been cumming on tits and eating pussy since 1985. People need to get laid to stop caring.

Continued here:
Kesha’s Leaked Dirty Pics of the Day