Tag Archives: ryan phillipe

Matthew McConaughey is Packing Heat in the Lincoln Lawyer Trailer

Despite the title, it turns out that Matthew McConaughey did not actually beat Steven Spielberg to the punch with a movie about honest Abe. The Lincoln Lawyer is actually about a sleazy Beverly Hills lawyer (McConaughey) who rides around in a Lincoln town car with a “NTGUILTY” vanity plate and apparently defends anyone from motorcycle gangs to Ryan Phillippe. But things get a bit more complicated for the Lincoln Lawyer once he meets Phillipe, who may or may not have killed his wife. So much so that he starts carrying a gun.

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Matthew McConaughey is Packing Heat in the Lincoln Lawyer Trailer

Jared, Chace, Ryan or Kellan: Who’d You Rather?

Filed under: Who’d You Rather? It was hunkapalooza in NYC this weekend as Jared Leto, 38, Chace Crawford, 24, Ryan Phillippe, 35, and Kellan Lutz, 24, all showed up to the Calvin Klein fashion show.Question is … More Who’d You Rather Michelle vs. Kristen vs. Mena: Who’d You … Permalink

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Jared, Chace, Ryan or Kellan: Who’d You Rather?