Tag Archives: said-at-first

Raven-Symone Gay Announcement Rocks Twitter, Apparently Ruins Some Childhoods

Raven-Symone came out last week via Twitter. And now she’s receiving some backlash via Twitter. A few days after the former Cosby Show star expressed enthusiasm over the fact that she can “finally get married,” many have taken to the social network and oddly/cruelly accused the actress of ruining their childhood. Because they used to be a fan of her sitcom and now they can regret it? Because she’s a lesbian? We guess? Check out some of these mean-spirited Tweets in the following video: Raven-Symone Twitter Backlash So, THGers, you tell us: Did Raven-Symone ruin your childhood with her announcement?   Huh? No! Of course not! What a dumb question! View Poll »

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Raven-Symone Gay Announcement Rocks Twitter, Apparently Ruins Some Childhoods

Kate Upton: Sports Illustrated Cover Made Me Feel "Terrible," Like a "Toy"

Kate Upton is on top of the world thanks to back-to-back Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue covers, but her status as a sex symbol took some getting used to. The supermodel said at first, she felt objectified and ridiculed. Kate Upton Felt “Terrible” After First SI Cover “After my first Sports Illustrated cover, I just felt terrible about myself for a solid month,” she tells Elle, which the 21-year-old also covers this month. “Every single guy I met was either married or about to be married, and I felt like I was their bachelor present or something. I’m not a toy, I’m a human.” “I’m not here to be used. I am a grown woman, you need to figure your sh-t out,” she added, lamenting that she’s treated like a stereotypical “dumb blonde.” Nowadays, she says she takes this more in stride. “People deal with models like they are children. They think they can pull one over on you. It’s actually funny,” says the beauty and “It Girl” of modeling. “I’m always like, ‘I’m about to pull something on you, and you’re so focused on thinking I’m dumb you’re not even going to know what hit you.” We love that about Kate, that she’s so honest and secure in who she is, which is so much more than any stereotype and refreshing for a model especially. But let’s be real … Kate Upton photos are unreal .

Read the rest here:
Kate Upton: Sports Illustrated Cover Made Me Feel "Terrible," Like a "Toy"