Tag Archives: said-the-insult

Mom Gets Fat-Shamed for Wearing Shorts, EPIC Response Goes Viral

No matter how many posts we write about body-shaming and how much it sucks, some folks just don’t seem to get it. Texas mom Brynn Huffman was feeling pretty good about herself when she went out to run some errands the other day wearing a flowy white top and mid-thigh denim shorts. Huffman admitted it took a bit of courage to don the shorts. “My legs, while tan from swimming and muscular from dancing, are (1) not where I would like them to be and (2) are not up traditional beauty standards (read: Photoshopped) because cellulite,” she wrote in a Facebook post that has gone viral. Sounds like the thoughts of a great number of American woman, amiright? Unfortunately for Huffman and humanity as a whole, some jerk in line at the UPS store thought it appropriate to confirm the mom’s worst fears by making a snarky comment about her attire. Huffman says that after a pleasant exchange with the woman in front of her, she turned to the patron behind her and smiled. In exchange for the grin, the woman started with a compliment, as if trying to negate the unspeakable rudeness that would follow. “‘Your hair really is amazing.’ ::cocks head to side:: ‘You should probably rethink the shorts though,'” Huffman wrote of the woman’s response. And the most incredible part? The shamer wore a shirt that read “COEXIST.” Huffman said her face immediately turned red – not with embarrassment, but with rage. She then hurled back a zinger that couldn’t have been more perfect. “You should probably rethink your shirt.”  Ooh, ya burnt! Yet even after the epic comeback, Huffman said the insult still made her want to go home and change her clothes, and that made her even more angry. The encounter inspired her to write the post, which has garnered more than 400,000 likes and 163,000 shares. She concluded with a message we hope all will consider before launching unsolicited criticism to strangers. “Listen, people. Especially women. “Plus sized doesn’t necessarily mean unhealthy. Plus sized doesn’t necessarily mean lazy. Plus sized doesn’t mean ugly or undesirable or untalented or uncoordinated or LESS. THAN. HUMAN. “You might have an issue with my body. I don’t. And I’ve worked very hard past judgmental family and friends, past divorce, past depression to NOT have an issue with my body. “Women. Do not tear each other down. Celebrate each other. Every day.” SLAY, sister.

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Mom Gets Fat-Shamed for Wearing Shorts, EPIC Response Goes Viral