Not this again…. Republican Commissioner Denies Being Racist Because He Has A Black Friend It’s really not surprising anymore at this point but, here’s yet ANOTHER recent instance where a Republican party affiliate used a racial slur when addressing a crowd in a professional setting. via Gawker Another day, another Republican official uses a racist term “from their youth” that hasn’t been in use for decades. County Commissioner Jim Gile, 68, of Saline County, Kansas, was in a study session with his fellow commissioners when the subject of hiring an architect to design the repairs for the county’s Road and Bridge Department building came up. Gile, a first-term commissioner who started serving in January, told the county that he preferred to hire an architect over having someone “n*gger-rigging it.” And just like Rep. [Don]Young, Gile too later blamed his “bad choice of words” on having “grown up” around the term. “I am not a prejudiced person,” Gile said in his apology. “I have built Habitat homes for colored people.” He added that he has a close black friend “whom he regards as a sister.” We honestly didn’t think it was possible to say the main two things that signify that you’re racist against black people in one breath. But this guy pulled it off. Not only did he used his probably only black friend as a reason why he should get let off the hook, he also referred to black people as “colored” ……in a serious tone……in 2013. SMH. Shutterstock
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In Shady Azz Republican News: GOP Goon Who Used “N**ger-Rigging” Term During Speech Says He’s Not Racist – “I’ve Built Homes For Colored People”