Tag Archives: same-character

Cameron Diaz is Young and Fresh Looking of the Day

Cameron Diaz amazes me…and not necessarily in a good way. I mean sure she’s a good romantic comedy actress, who I guess hits the comedic beat of shitty comedy, while always playing the same character and getting paid way too much money for it..and sure she was hot as fuck when she was a tall model babes in the 90s….and sure she made the right choice to not reproduce, despite all the sex she had with pretty much everyone in the industry….but I think, at least based on her botox face, that it’s time to start casting her as the mom of the love interest in movies, and not the love interest…there’s nothing more offensive that seeing her play the role a 25 year old should be playing…it’s like MILF her or dump her…she’s not the young thing she was 2 fucking decades ago – seriously.. I mean just look how battered she looks here…it’s been a rough journey of making tens of millions to work 6 weeks a year…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Cameron Diaz is Young and Fresh Looking of the Day