Tag Archives: savor-the-rest

Friday Box Office: Neverending Story

As expected, the Toy Wonders are running roughshod over both Adam Sandler’s new comedy-in-name-only, Grown Ups , and Tom Cruise’s much-feared Knight and Day . Sandler can at least boast that — if projections are correct — his nearly-perfect string of $40 million opening weekends record remained untarnished. Meanwhile, back in Tom Cruise’s lead-lined, thetan-free mediation chamber, the erstwhile Mr. Mapother is no doubt punching the air in zombie-eyed joy that his movie is not a complete bomb. Hurray! It’s only sorta-bombing! After a bloodless opening day of less than $4 million, it’s picking up steam to head into the station on Sunday with a projected weekend gross of $20 million and a five-day gross of $27 million. Savor the rest of the little victories with us after the jump.

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Friday Box Office: Neverending Story