Tag Archives: school-dropped

Too Little, Too Late? Yale Offers Job Back To Black Dishwasher Who Smashed Racist Stained Glass Window

Don’t do it brother, reconsider … Yale Offers To Rehire Corey Menafee, Dishwasher Who Broke Painting Of Slaves Remember when we told you about Corey Menafee, the Yale University dishwasher who smashed a stained glass window depicting slaves??? Well after t he school dropped charges against him, they’re now announcing that he’s welcome to have his job back. Yale recently sent a statement to BOSSIP saying; Mr. Menafee, who resigned in June after he admitted intentionally breaking a stained glass window, has expressed deep remorse about his actions and informed us that he would like to rescind his resignation. He will be allowed to return to a position in a different setting, starting on Monday, after serving a five-week unpaid suspension (including the time since his resignation on June 21). Yale has already asked the State’s Attorney to drop all charges. We are willing to take these unusual steps given the unique circumstances of this matter, and it is now up to Mr. Menafee whether he wishes to return to Yale. Can you really be mad at him trying to get his job back even after the window incident??? Bills won’t pay themselves… What do YOU think about Corey Menafee potentially returning to Yale???

See the article here:
Too Little, Too Late? Yale Offers Job Back To Black Dishwasher Who Smashed Racist Stained Glass Window