Tag Archives: science-data

A Picture Is Worth: Snow Removal In Copenhagen

Image Credit Mikael Colville-Andersen We have not had much snow here in much of North America yet, but in Europe they have been socked with it; Copenhagen has had 18 inches so far. But where we don’t get our bike lanes ploughed first (that would be considered a war on the car), if at all. But Mikael Colville-Andersen writes in The Ultimate Bike Lane Snow Clearance Blogpost! :” During snowstorms I’ve seen these bike lane sweepers roll back and forth past my f… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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A Picture Is Worth: Snow Removal In Copenhagen

Should Societal Values Be Considered When Placing Animals on the Endangered Species List?

photo: Steve Jurvetson / Creative Commons Though the US Fish & Wildlife Service is tasked with placing animals on the Endangered Species List based on “the best scientific and commercial data available” when it comes to the gray wolf in the northern Rockies, important social science data on how human activity and values wasn’t consulted, and it… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Should Societal Values Be Considered When Placing Animals on the Endangered Species List?