Tag Archives: scottish-fold

Ed Sheeran Is Taking A Page From Taylor Swift’s Cat-Crazy Playbook

Ed Sheeran’s Scottish Fold cat is out-cuting Taylor Swift’s own Meredith and Olivia, and he isn’t afraid to show that on social media.

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Ed Sheeran Is Taking A Page From Taylor Swift’s Cat-Crazy Playbook

Cat Demands to Be Petted Immediately, Often

As the saying goes, dogs have owners, cats have staff. In this adorable viral video, an impatient Scottish Fold (a breed of cat which, as its name implies, hails from Scotland and features ears that fold downward) makes it clear that its human companion isn’t paying nearly enough attention to it. Eh hem . Browsing the computer? Think again. Pat the cat. Now. Pet the Cat. Now.

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Cat Demands to Be Petted Immediately, Often