Tag Archives: season-or-some

Brittany Snow Getitng Out of a Car and Showing Us Up Her Skirt of the Day

Her name is Brittany Snow and I had no idea who she was because her face is ugly and I don’t really like ugly chicks unless my dick is bounching off their “soft palate”, but it turns out that she’s from Tampa, a quite luxurious place if you are white trash and I also found out that her dad quit his job as an insurrance broker to work for her organizing her “schedule”, which is code for taking 20% of her paycheck cuz it worked out to more that the 45,000 dollars a year he was making before, only now he doesn’t have to go into work every fucking day, and I guess its the least this cunt could do because he pretty much made her and speaking of cunt, here he is getting in or out of a car flashing something that may or may not be her black vagina, and is probably just black panties…enjoy….weirdo.

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Brittany Snow Getitng Out of a Car and Showing Us Up Her Skirt of the Day

Hilary Duff Whoring Out on Gossip Girl of the Day

I guess Hilary Duff got herself on Gossip Girl for more than one reason. Yesterday, I said that she was doing it to stay relevant, jumping up on a hot show so people would remember her, but now I think it’s got more to do with her using the show as an opportunity to get her TV crush up in her pussy because I guess now that she’s got all fat and dumpy and her boyfriend and his Hockey Team have slowed down on the stickin’ her ass and pussy while jerking each other off in some sort of team building initiation since it is the off season or some shit has made her desperate and figured she might as well get paid for male attention instead of paying for it and I guess none of that matters but here’s the picture proof anyway, cuz that’s what I do.

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Hilary Duff Whoring Out on Gossip Girl of the Day