Tag Archives: seems-the-only

Andre 3000 Pops Up On Ke$ha’s ‘Sleazy’ Remix

Outkast MC freshens up the pop star’s Cannibal cut with rare feature. By Mawuse Ziegbe Andre 3000 Photo: Michael Buckner/Getty Images It seems the only way to find spankin’-new Andre 3000 lyrics these days is on the odd remix, and the ATLien definitely picked a left-of-center choice for his latest feature. On Friday (January 14), a remix of Ke$ha’s Cannibal track “Sleazy” hit the Web, outfitted with some brand-new bars from the elusive Outkast MC. The southern spitter uses the revamp to muse about a young kid dealing with a deadbeat dad over the song’s bouncy thump. “We start out so cute in our baby pictures/ That mama shot for our daddy so that he wouldn’t forget you/ He forgot anyway, but hey, one day he’ll remember/ If not, he’s human, I’m human, you human, we’ll forgive him,” he spits. After sounding off about daddy issues, Stacks then rhymes about his playful relationship with the glitter-friendly poptress. “I call her Keisha, she like it because it’s hood to her/ She call me Andre 6000 because I’m good to her,” he says. The remix follows a slew of random guest appearances on records by everyone from DJ Unk to Rich Boy as fans await another full-length release from ‘Dre. Back in 2008, the Love Below lyricist broke down his affinity for jumping on the occasional remix to MTV News , explaining that cooking up another quality solo record is no easy task. “I’ve been doing remixes here and there, and let me tell you, thank God for remixes. I wanna tell everybody who’s been checking out the remixes and things like the John Legend song [‘Green Light’]: In this day and age, those are the things that have kind of been keeping me alive. Because it takes me awhile to record albums,” he said. “I have to kind of build up something to say.” What do you think of Andre 3000’s verse on Ke$ha’s “Sleazy” remix? Let us know in the comments! Related Artists Andre 3000 Ke$ha

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Andre 3000 Pops Up On Ke$ha’s ‘Sleazy’ Remix

Senate Repubs Defeat Jobless Aid, Tax Cuts

Senate Republicans and a handful of Democrats Saturday defeated a bill to reauthorize unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless and a plethora of tax provisions for the middle class not because of the bill's trillion-dollar deficit impact, but because it did not include tax cuts for the rich. “In economic times like these, 9.8 percent unemployment, you should not raise taxes on anyone,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) told HuffPost. … After Saturday's vote, it seems the only way Democrats will be able to overcome Republican opposition to the benefits will be by attaching them to a reauthorization of tax cuts for the rich. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said after the vote that he expected a tax cut deal to be reached by Thursday. … Republicans and conservative Democrats have opposed reauthorizing the benefits without offsetting their deficit impact by cutting spending from elsewhere in the budget. But those same lawmakers have not insisted that tax cuts for the rich, estimated to cost nearly $700 billion over 10 years, be offset in any way. A yearlong reauthorization of unemployment benefits would cost roughly $60 billion. During debate on the Senate floor before the vote, Schumer asked Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) about Republicans' different positions on deficit reduction. “Could he please explain to me why it is OK to take $300 billion of tax cuts for those at the highest income levels, above a million, and not pay for it,” Schumer said, “and yet we have to pay for unemployment insurance extensions?” added by: tverdell

Richard Hatch Once Again Free to Spout Nonsense on Morning TV

Did jail turn Richard Hatch straight? Following his own impeccable logic, it seems the only plausible reason why authorities in Bourne, Mass., released him early this morning.

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Richard Hatch Once Again Free to Spout Nonsense on Morning TV