Circa 2010 Brazil, home of sun, sea and catwalks! However as this challenging report shows beneath the glitz and glamour of Brazil’s most famous export lies a darker world of racism and segregation. Brazil has the second largest black population on Earth but an obsession with lighter-skinned models is putting darker Brazilians off modelling. Caroline and her friend Aline are aspiring models, eager for a life of glamour. But Aline is one of the only 10 people out of 200 at a modelling convention who would call themselves black. “There are more openings for white models”, one model explains. “Brazil is hiding what it thinks is not beautiful enough.” District Attorney Deborah Affonso says the problem is economics. Brands don’t want people representing them who are “seen as having no spending power”. However, a recent 8% increase in the catwalk quota agreement for black models is a step in the right direction to finding a “Brazilian beauty with a real Brazilian face.” youtube
The rest is here:
The Lighter The Righter: Flawed Beauty In Brazil [Video]