The Bruhz Have A Member with KKK Pedigree People have had mixed opinions about a video thats been circulating social media the last couple of days. The Instagram post apparently shows a white man, whose father and grandfather were once members of the Ku Klux Klan, claiming to have have attended an HBCU and pledged one of the oldest and toughest black Greek fraternities in the country, Omega Psi Phi, Inc. What are your thoughts on white people choosing to join Black Greek Letter Organizations?
Beyoncé Brings In Over $250 Million In Sales During ‘Formation Tour’ Beyoncé has been traveling the country snatching wigs, “slaying” and gettin’ her hive in formation during her extravagant stadium tour to support her latest surprise album ‘Lemonade’. Sure, we expect Beysus Christ to perform miracles at the box office, but according to Billboard, that miracle is worth more than a quarter-billion dollars… Beyonce’s Formation stadium tour wrapped Oct. 7 at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., as an unqualified blockbuster, taking in over $256,084,556 and selling 2.2 million tickets, according to Billboard Boxscore. The tour, which began April 27 at Marlins Park in Miami, averaged a whopping $5.2 million in gross and 45,757 paid attendance per show. Tour promoter Arthur Fogel, chairman of Live Nation’s Global Touring division, calls Beyonce an “amazing performer” with a “rabid, committed fan base.” The highest-grossing stop on the tour came from two sellouts at London’s Wembley Stadium July 2-3 that took in $15.3 million and sold 142,500 tickets. Earlier in the run, an $11.5 million take from two sellouts at New York’s City’s Citi Field took in $11.5 million and moved 73,486 tickets as the highest-grossing date in North America. Hold up, they don’t love others like they love Bey. Image via