Tag Archives: senator-alan

Seize the Summer with Us


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The leaves on the trees are glowing greener, the days are growing longer, and clothes are getting lighter! This behind-the-scenes video takes you into “our backyard,” where we shot our latest stylebook, Seize the Summer. Share the video, then tell us what you like best in the collection! Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : ModLife Discovery Date : 11/04/2011 23:00 Number of articles : 2

Seize the Summer with Us

Seize the Summer with Us


Continued here:

The leaves on the trees are glowing greener, the days are growing longer, and clothes are getting lighter! This behind-the-scenes video takes you into “our backyard,” where we shot our latest stylebook, Seize the Summer. Share the video, then tell us what you like best in the collection! Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : ModLife Discovery Date : 11/04/2011 23:00 Number of articles : 2

Seize the Summer with Us

Alan Simpson On GOP: ‘We Have Homophobes In Our Party’


See the rest here:

On MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews today, former Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY), co-chair of President Obama’s debt commission, railed against the social conservatives in the Republican party. He admonished male legislators for voting on abortion issues and “homophobes” like Rick Santorum who say “cruel, cruel things” about gays and lesbians: SIMPSON: Who the hell is for abortion? I don’t know anybody… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 12/04/2011 00:25 Number of articles : 2

Alan Simpson On GOP: ‘We Have Homophobes In Our Party’