Tag Archives: senator-marco

Is Khloe Getting Over Her Cracked Out And Creepin’ Baller Hubby Lamar Odom With Help From The Game?

Get rebound Khloé! The Game and Khloé Kardashian-Odom reignited rumors of a dalliance last night after being photographed together at Drai’s in LaLaLand… While we can confirm that the rapper IS helping Khloé keep her mind off her relationship problems, it’s not quite what it seems. Jayceon and Khloe are working together on his new charity endeavor — The Robin Hood Project. The woman in the photo with Khloe, The Game and Malika is Marquia Macklin — the mother of 6 year-old Tiana Ricks who was recently gunned down outside her own home. The Game helped pay for her funeral costs . Hit the flip for more info… Continue reading

Is It Because He’s Black??? FL Senator Marco Rubio Backs Out On Federal Court Nomination Of First Openly Gay Black Judge

Marco Rubio Backs Out On Federal Court Nomination Of Gay Black Judge He says it’s because of his “judicial fitness” not the “other stuff”… Via CBS Local Miami: MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Senator Marco Rubio withdrew his support for Judge William Thomas’ nomination Tuesday to the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Florida despite having backed the nomination more than 10 months ago, according to the New York Times. For confirmation to move forward, a nominee must have support from both United States senators in their home state. Senator Rubio said he was concerned about two decisions in cases made by Judge Thomas. If Thomas had been confirmed to the court, he would have been the first openly gay black judge on the federal bench. Rubio said he was concerned about Thomas’ “fitness” for the federal bench including “ questions about his judicial temperament and his willingness to impose appropriate criminal sentences,” according to the Times. Specifically, Rubio took issue with the sentence of Michele Traverso, saying the sentence was too lenient. However, the lead prosecutor and the administrative judge for the 11th Judicial Circuit criminal division both wrote letters saying Judge Thomas acted fairly and well within the law, the Times reported. Rubio also objected to the suppression of confessions of two defendants in a murder trial. Discuss… WENN Continue reading

Marco Rubio: America Can’t Survive Another Obama Term (Video)


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Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) told Sean Hannity that America cant’t take another Obama term. “If we continue with the policies of this president and the leadership of this senate have pursued over the last couple of years… If we continue … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 30/03/2011 04:15 Number of articles : 3

Marco Rubio: America Can’t Survive Another Obama Term (Video)