Tag Archives: sensitive-since

Jojo Levesque’s Fat Girl Bikini of the Day

Jojo is on some JESSICA SIMPSON FAILED AT WEIGHT WATCHERS kick….cuz she posted a picture of her all wet in a fucking t-shirt by the pool…like she was the obese girl at the waterpark who didn’t want to get a sun burn cuz her skin is sensitive since there is so much of it….more importantly…cuz she didn’t want to broadcast her body since it is horrible to look at….but like all fat chicks…at least she’s got some tit….. What it comes down to is who is Jojo anyway? I don’t mean on a philosophical lvel, of who is she at her core and what does she represent, I mean….I don’t know any of her songs, but I do know she was famous 10 years ago for being 15, perverts love that shit…. And now she’s on a comeback or something….a comeback that should involve more 2 piece bathing suits, it is a better look…unless she isn’t the one in the t-shirt…in which case this post is a real waste….kinda like all my posts.

See the original post here:
Jojo Levesque’s Fat Girl Bikini of the Day