Tag Archives: serious-hotties

Sarah Hyland Gets Leggy For The Teens

Sarah Hyland brought her sexy leg show to the Teen Choice Awards as a presenter last night, and supposedly the “big” news is that she tripped going up on stage and dropped an F-bomb or something like that. Which is a pretty lame story, if you ask me. I don’t know about you guys, but I had my fingers crossed for a wardrobe malfunction or something. Oh well, better luck next year, I guess. Photos: WENN.com

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Sarah Hyland Gets Leggy For The Teens

Victoria Justice Works Her Hotness For The Teens

Considering all the serious hotties who showed up to the Teen Choice Awards  last night, including one of my all-time favorites Victoria Justice , I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little disappointed I wasn’t invited too. I mean, when are they going to finally add a Hottest Male Blogger category? And before you point out that that’s an oxymoron, you should see me in my Superman underoos. Now that’s hot stuff. » view all 12 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Victoria Justice Works Her Hotness For The Teens

Iggy Azalea’s Booty Puts On A Great Show

So not only did Victoria’s Secret get a pair of crazy hot supermodels to show up for their PINK Nation Crazy for Campus Bash in Las Vegas, apparently they also got my favorite booty in the music business Iggy Azalea to put on a killer show. Oh, and I guess she also sang some of her songs or something too. But really, Iggy could be reciting Moby Dick up there and I’d still want a front row seat. Yow. » view all 39 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Iggy Azalea’s Booty Puts On A Great Show

Miley Cyrus’ Cleavage Is Inspiring

Miley Cyrus apparently took a break from putting on the greatest show on Earth during her Bangerz tour to put on an even better one at the amfAR Inspiration Gala in LA last night. And in an evening full of serious hotties showing some serious skin , for my money, Miley topped them all with this outfit. But really, no matter what, they’re all winners. No, wait, we’re all winners. Sorry, I got confused there for a second. Enjoy! » view all 27 photos Photos: WENN.com

Miley Cyrus’ Cleavage Is Inspiring