Tag Archives: service-pics

Bar Refaeli Can’t Hide Her Hotness

Here’s supermodel Bar Refaeli out doing a little shopping with her lame boyfriend Leonardo Dicaprio (not pictured because the douche kept his face covered with a bag the whole time like anyone wants to see him when Bar Refaeli is standing next to him.. Moron). She’s wearing jean shorts and a tank top and she still looks amazing. This is the kind of woman I could marry for at least a year, maybe a year and a half, until my obsession with internet girlfriends comes back to ruin things. Damn you internet.

Bar Refaeli’s Sweet Body Saves The Day

I was getting really bored with these Oscar outfits but luckily Bar Rafaeli managed to squeeze her sweet Israeli gefilte fish into a hot dress and save the day . Delicious.

Bar Refaeli Bikini Pictures

Much like dentistry, when it comes to bikini pictures it’s best left to the professionals. I learnt that lesson the hard way. Here’s supermodel Bar Refaeli hanging out in her bikini while on vacation in Mexico. I know what you’re thinking and no, you can’t find a more perfect body. It kills me that her bikini is only staying together with the help of a couple of strategically placed knots. This is when the paparazzi needs to hire some little kid to walk by and undo that thing. She won’t get mad, kid’s can get away with practically anything, she’ll probably even think it’s cute. If I did it I’d wake up as somebody’s girlfriend in a Mexican prison.

Prediction: Genevieve Morton 2011 SI Swimsuit Issue Cover Girl

Now that last years prediction about Brooklyn Decker being named to the cover of the 2010 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition has come true and I’m a force to be reckoned with in the world of predicting lame future events, I figured I’d do it again. This time I’m predicting that hottie Genevieve Morton will grace the cover of the 2011 edition. She’s hot, she’s talented and if all goes according to plan we’ll be seeing more of those big juicy talents while she lies half naked on the beach somewhere. Fingers crossed.

Bar Refaeli Is On A Hotness Rampage

Here’s supermodel Bar Refaeli in various stages of hotness, from ‘ I’d like to marry that woman and make babies ‘ to ‘ I think that noise was my testicles exploding ‘.

Read more:
Bar Refaeli Is On A Hotness Rampage

Bar Refaeli Lingerie Pictures

Here’s Bar Rafaeli modeling Bonita De Mas lingerie. Obviously, she’s hot but that’s expected since she is a supermodel.

Read the original post:
Bar Refaeli Lingerie Pictures

2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Explorer’s Edition

Where can you find hot pictures of models Bar Refaeli , Brooklyn Decker , Kim Cloutier, Cintia Dicker, Tori Praver, Julie Henderson, Lucia Dvorska, Hilary Rhoda, Daniella Sarahyba and Anne Vyalitsyna?!? In the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Explorer’s Edition

2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Explorer’s Edition

Bar Refaeli’s Sweet Pushed Up Cleavage

Here’s supermodel Bar Rafaeli busting out some sweet cleavage at the 2009 Angel Ball the other night.

Continued here:
Bar Refaeli’s Sweet Pushed Up Cleavage