Tag Archives: session-pushed

Post-Midterm Casualty: Donald Trump Forces Jeff Sessions To Resign As Attorney General

Image via Taylor Hill/WireImage/Getty Jeff Session Pushed Out As Attorney General Donald Trump is a dumba$$, but he has enough sense to know when things won’t help his cause. For literally months now Trump has been badgering and bullying the now former Attorney General from both Twitter and press conference podiums. The thought among political talking heads was that Trump wouldn’t fire Sessions prior to the midterm election because it would look bad on him and ultimately affect the vote. Well, the midterms aren’t even 24 hours from being closed and Trump has finally pushed Sessions out the airplane. According to CNN , Sessions had submitted a resignation letter that leaves no doubt as to why he is vacating his position. It begins: Dear Mr. President, At your request, I am submitting my resignation… Translation (in our own words): “Here, you sniveling son-of-a-b!t¢#, take this f***ing resignation and shove it up your orange a$$!” We damn sure won’t miss Jeff Sessions, he’s one of the worst Attorney Generals we’ve ever seen and at his very best he’s a bigot who has no regard for Black lives or people of color. That said, Trump is really trying to get this Mueller investigation out the paint and Jeff Session was one of the few things in his way. Scary times.

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Post-Midterm Casualty: Donald Trump Forces Jeff Sessions To Resign As Attorney General