Tag Archives: sexual-level

Rachel Bilson Kissed a Girl on TV of the Day

I’ve been talking shit about Rachel Bilson for a while now. I think it has something to do with hating her for letting that loser from Star Wars take her away from where she was supposed to be, locking her up in a farm, brainwashing her, and preventing her from going down the seedy flashing her tit path Mischa Barton went down…. But she’s making a comeback and knows she has a lot of sexing shit up to pull off to catch up and remind people who she is… Here she is on Primetime TV kissing a girl, not as passionately or pornographically as I’d want from her, but let’s view this as the gateway performance….

See original here:
Rachel Bilson Kissed a Girl on TV of the Day

Lisa Rinna Twitter Bikini Picture of the Day

She looks like skeletor and unless you have a Heman fetish, I can’t think this fake titty, fake face, hard yet sloppy body can do anything for anyone on a sexual level, but then again, when I worked in the warehouse at a porn company, the tranny shit flew off the shelves, cuz sometimes dudes who don’t get laid need new and different images to explore…even if those images are of women with dicks…that’s not to say Lisa Rinna is a tranny, but it is to say she’s as unnatural as one….

See the article here:
Lisa Rinna Twitter Bikini Picture of the Day

Jessica Simpson’s Fat Tits of the Day

Yesterday, I was pretty upset cuz I was doing a post on Jessica Simspon’s new haircut that her gay friend who is riding her to the top posted on twitter in efforts to release his own “exclusive” so that people follow him for a change, since in his and every gay guy’s mind, he deserves to be the starlet everyone cares about, and Jessica Simpson is the way to make that fucking happen cuz her desperation and depression makes her easy to manipulate…. Today, I am pretty upset cuz I’m posting an update on the shit and writing about a useless, lonely bitch’s hair is pretty fucking depressing, cuz it looks like she’s got hair today….but at least today, I can distract myself with her fat chick tits….and fat chick body…. I just don’t understand why fag hags are always fat chicks…do the gays make them get fat to make them look skinny, do gays hang with them because they don’t judge girls on a sexual level and like them for their big personalities/bank accounts/level of fame, or do they just emotionally eat cuz gay guys are tedious and make them feel like wrecks….no that it matters, cuz fat chicks don’t exist to me except when they end up in my bed taking all the blankets and here are the pics…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

Jessica Simpson’s Fat Tits of the Day