Tag Archives: shaky-tonight

Bret Michaels Expresses Shock, Thrill Over Celebrity Apprentice Title

What a difference a month makes… Bret Michaels went from his death bed in late April to the top of the board room last night, becoming the latest Celebrity Apprentice champion when Donald Trump “hired” the ailing rocker. “I gotta tell you, I am so thrilled, I am beyond thrilled to have won,” he told E! News at the show’s after-party. [Photo: Splash News] Due to his recent stroke , of course, Michaels had to jet across the country in order to attend the finale, a decision that was NOT doctor-approved. “We went back into the hospital again, they said, ‘Listen, we don’t advise that you fly, but if you wanna do it, here’s what you need to do.’ And I’m here, and I didn’t want to miss this for the world. I’m ready to rock,” he said. As usual Donald Trump also chimed in with overflowing praise – but, for once, it wasn’t for himself. “Bret has been fantastic right from the beginning,” Trump said. “He almost died a month ago, less than a month ago. He was a little bit shaky tonight, but in the end he came through like he always does.” That’s what countless groupies have said.

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Bret Michaels Expresses Shock, Thrill Over Celebrity Apprentice Title